A night of ghosts and ghouls, visitations of otherworldly creatures and witchcraft. For many it means creating imaginative costumes, macabre masks and demonic decorations, an evening full of fun, tricks, treats and too many sweets. For others, it’s a good excuse for a party, or a night on the town.
You’ve got to remember, the costume is only the half of it. You’ve got to get your hair right. Whether you’re the bride of Frankenstein or Samara from The Ring, get it right and get right out there. Whether you are celebrating Halloween or All Souls, both give you the opportunity to get involved, to look beyond the here and now or just to remember your family who have gone before you.
What do the two holidays have in common? 
The end of October is supposed to be a period when the boundaries between worlds are less clearly defined. We can peer into the realms beyond and even be visited by those who reside on “the other side”. During this mysterious time, We are often reminded of this by warning loaded stories of the eerie and spooky. The most frightening ones always take place at midnight. So why midnight, does it have a symbolic meaning in folk superstition? “The Witching hour” is when the powers of darkness are at their height.
Halloween has developed from a mixture of traditions. A lot of inspiration for today’s celebrations come from the Gaelic festival Samhain. Celebrated the night of the 31st of October just like Halloween. It was customary to have dinner for or even with their deceased relatives, to leave a candle in front of windows and mirrors to avoid wandering between the two worlds, and protected themselves from evil forces and restless spirits. For the old Gaels this period was the end of the year.
The Christian feast day of All Saints (or all Hallows) is celebrated on the first of November and All Souls follows the day after. So if you don’t want to go all out for Halloween (a contraction of All Hallows Eve) wearing a crazy costume and fearing what goes bump in the night, you can at least light a candle for happiness and remembrance. The tradition of lighting candles was shared with the ancient Celts and Gaels, and it is said to have cleansing effects and power to drive out negative influences.
It’s a good time to take stock, to reflect and to look back at the past and forward to the future. Prepare for the shortening nights as the cold draws in. Cleanse your mind, and clean your house. Address your health mental, spiritual and physical. Consider a detox or a few healthy changes. Find motivation to keep moving. If you do decide to take part in the Halloween celebrations whether in a zombie or witch mask, don’t forget that your hair would benefit from a mask too.
No tricks, a regenerative and strengthening shampoo would be all treat. Wella Professionals hair care without added dyes, sulphates and parabens, is suitable for any type of hair, plus it has recyclable package.
With mask or without mask, you can indulge your hair. Especially in autumn, we should pay our attention to our hair, because during the autumn, we lose more than usual. And what's the cure for it? Healthy diet, less stress and especially physical movement. So if you don’t like to sport, maybe halloween dance in costume will still be just what the witch doctor ordered...
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